Lighthouse Thoughts

What is A Semi- Open Adoption?

A Semi-Open Adoption is a type of adoption that is not totally open or totally closed.  It occurs when birth-parents and adoptive families share non-identifying information or have non- identifying interaction with one another. This interaction is usually facilitated by the adoption agency or adoption attorney. The identity of all parties involved is kept confidential.
The degree of openness in a semi-open adoption is pre-determined and agreed upon by both the birth-parents and adoptive parents. Non- identifying information that may be shared between the adoptive parents and birth-parents may include: photographs, letters, Profile Book, demographics, or phone calls.
After surrender forms are signed, and if both parties agree, the Adoptive Parents and Birth Mother may meet face to face for a brief time under the supervision of the Agency. In most cases direct communication after the placement of the child is more limited, in a way that is agreed by all parties to be beneficial for everyone. Most often this occurs in the form of letters or cards that are sent and received via the adoption agency.
With semi-open adoption there are a number of advantages for all members of the adoption tirade: birth parents, adoptive parents, and the adopted child. Background information on the child’s birth parents may include a social, educational and health history. It may also be possible to maintain contact with the Birth Family.

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