Lighthouse Thoughts

Your Adoption Profile Book

As part of the adoption process, you will be asked to create a personal profile in the form of a Profile Book. The Profile Book is a picture book with snapshots, and important personal information about you, the adoptive family. You will choose photos that will tell a story about your lives as a whole. Photos that broaden your family include relatives, grandparents, friends, pets, etc.

The profile book is used to share your information in a non-identifying way with Birthparents. It is one of the most important first impressions you’ll ever make. Birth families may be looking at multiple profiles at once but we do limit the number so that the process is not overwhelming.

Birth families are looking at your profile and trying to imagine their baby fitting into your life. We at Beacon House will provide you with guidelines. We will proof your profile book before you finalize it to ensue that you are sharing the best possible information about your family. Once it is completed you are ready to move to the matching process of your adoption.

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