Dad’s Rock
Dad’s Rock, especially Dads by adoption. Often overlooked but equally important, Dads are the backbone of the adoption process. Many dads work diligently behind the scenes, making sure finances are in order and paperwork is completed. They often carry the burden of stress, and are their wife’s biggest cheerleader.
Dad’s advocate for their children and are patient and understanding. Their goal is to provide for their child’s needs. They set examples for their children, and lead by example. They are the rock that gives their family strength and support. They pass along integrity and their values.
They are tough when need be, but know how to have fun. They have tickle fights, belly flop in the pool, read bedtime stories, and banish monsters under the bed. They believe in their children, but more importantly they teach them to believe in themselves.
Dads are superheroes, the ones who pick us up when we are down, our sounding board and inspiration. They make us smile, drive us crazy, and love us unconditionally. Dad’s Rock-Happy Father’s Day!