Are You Considering Adoption for Your Baby?
While Adoption has many benefits for you and your child, making an adoption plan for your child is not an easy choice. It is not a decision to be entered into lightly. It requires time and understanding your options. Deciding what to do about your pregnancy is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
When considering adoption you:
- Must consider your ability to parent a child.
- Your ability to provide a safe, secure home and provide for his needs.
- Take into consideration your hopes, dreams and future plans for you and your child.
- Must decide for yourself, if it is right for you.
- Decide what’s best for your child by making a parenting plan for your child.
- You choose the adoptive parents that you want to parent your child.
- You can watch your child grow up through the photos and letters.
- Can request financial assistance for adoption and pregnancy related expenses; such as medical expenses, maternity clothes, housing, utilities, transportation and other support services.
- Have the right to confidential services/ counseling services.
- Your decision to place your baby for adoption should be treated with dignity and respect.
Beacon House’s Adoption Coordinator will explain the adoption process and are here to help you any way they can. Call 1-888-987-6300, or complete our Confidential Inquiry Form.