Lighthouse Thoughts

Adoption: Not a Second Choice

Adoption is not a second choice. To imply that adoption is a second choice suggests that adding a child to a family via the process of adoption is second best.  First and foremost, Adoption is a means to expand a family. While a number of families adopt after experiencing infertility, some families chose adoption to grow their family.

An adoptive parent is no less of a parent to her adopted child because he or she was adopted.  Adoptive parents are no less of a parent than a biological parent.  Both put forth a labor of love.

An adopted child is not second best to a biological child.  Parents who have biological children and adopted children do not love their children any less because their adopted child came into the family through a different means.  Adoptive parents love their children regardless of the how they came to the family.  No matter what the reason, adoption is a great choice for building a family.

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