Lighthouse Thoughts

Unplanned Pregnancy- How we can help

If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, your options include parenting your child or making an adoption plan. Adoption can be an emotionally difficult journey, but it may be in the best interest for you and your child. At Beacon House we want to make sure that you have a clear understanding of adoption, that you understand that this is a permeant choice, and that that you are prepared.

Baby’s Needs
Adoptions work best when the baby’s needs are put first. You have to decide what your baby’s needs are, whether you are able to provide for their needs, what your goals are for your child, and how this can be accomplished.

Your Needs
Once you have determined what your needs are, if you choose adoption, we will help you locate safe housing, access medical care, counseling, legal advice, and provide emotional support at every step of the process.

Choosing an Adoptive Family
You choose the adoptive family for your baby. You will decide what kind of family you are looking for. Potential families have been thoroughly vetted, have an approved home study, and have similar interest, needs and expectations of an adoption.

Long term impacts of adoption
A successful adoption involves a clear understanding of the short and long term implications of adoption by all parties. The decisions that you make now will make a difference later. Even when adoption is the best option, it can be emotionally draining. Preparation and planning will help alleviate potential stress for the journey that lies ahead.

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