Choosing a Halloween Costume for your Child
· Don’t wait until the last minute to shop for a costume.
· Make sure that the costume fits properly, is comfortable and that your child can walk and move around in it.
· Don’t wear masks that obscure vision.
· If your children are willing, coordinating costumes can be a fun option: a coven of witches, dog and cat, rock band. (I once had a Zombie and zombie slayer.)
· Make sure to check the weather and make adjustments.
· Be age appropriate. Dressing young children in costumes that are too adult in nature, may bring unwanted attention.
· If it’s going to be cold, layer up. Cover any low cuts in shirts and dresses with a T-shirt or turtle neck. Wear leggings, tights, or long johns underneath costumes.
· Make sure children can be seen: use glow-sticks, flashlight, reflectors, etc.