Why Adopt through Beacon House?
Beacon House Adoption Services has an excellent record of placements of newborns. Since 1989, we have served several thousand adoptive families and birth mothers, and maintain a high success rate. Birth mothers are provided with extensive in-house counseling by our staff, as well as independent counseling with licensed social workers. We believe, this open line of communication with the agency is part of the reason for our success.
Beacon House aggressively markets our services to birth mothers; in addition, many of our past birth mothers refer others to us – they would not think of working with anyone else! Our experienced staff knows just how to respond to the emotional, as well as the physical needs of a birth mother.
Beacon House Adoption Services is committed to providing the highest quality professional adoption services to our clients. We respect the rights of all parties to the adoption process and attempt to provide an adoption experience that will leave all parties satisfied and with a positive view of adoption. Adoption is more than just taking on a child. It is taking on a series of issues that involve other people and their feelings and this agency is well aware of the emotional environment of adoption. We believe our agency provides compassionate, straightforward service to all members of the adoption process.