Gift Giving Tuesday
What is Gift Giving Tuesday?
The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving is globally known as Gift Giving Tuesday. GGT is a way to give back to the community. It is a call to action for people around the world to donate, time, talent, and monetary donations to the causes they care about and love. Gift Giving Tuesday is the kickoff to the charitable giving season that surrounds the holidays and annual year end giving.
Most adoption agencies engage in a variety of community projects from time to time and Beacon House is no exception. There are several ways to help Beacon House on Gift Giving Tuesday:
AmazonSmile: “Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. It’s that easy shop Amazon- support Beacon House!
DONATE: Currently, we are working on several projects which include – birth mother support groups that meet to provide encouragement and support to birth moms who have made adoptive placements; training to social workers and lay persons in presenting adoption as an alternative to abortion and locating families for special needs children.
We anticipate other projects in the near future that will promote education about adoption in our communities. Donations are tax deductible, as Beacon House is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Don’t forget Beacon House Adoption Services is a drop off point and sponsor of “Sock it to Me” Give the Gift of Warmth-Socks are the number one requested item at shelters.