Navigating the Adoption Process Faster
Each year there are over 20,000 infants placed for adoption in the United States.
Families who have fewer restrictions can navigate the adoption process faster than families who have very limited criteria for their adoption match. Most BHAS families successfully complete an adoption within one to two years* of beginning the adoption process. Criteria that may affect wait time:
• Gender Selection- At Beacon House we do not support limiting the sex of the child as a criteria for adoption. Gender selection increases wait times, and there is no guarantee of accuracy of in determining the sex of a child.
• Race- Do you wish to adopt a child of the same race or are you open to a Transracial Adoption.
• Type of adoption- Closed, versus Semi-Open
• Budget- An adoption budget needs to include, agency fees, birthmothers expenses, travel, and possibly attorney fees.
• Geographical or travel restrictions may limit your ability to pursue an adoption.
* The National Average time frame to complete an adoption is 1-2 years. While BHAS is well within this range, programs quoting significantly faster wait times may be using different rates of calculation.