Graduation- just the idea of it is enough to make a Mom grab a box of tissues. Whether it be from preschool, college, or anywhere in between, it is an important milestone in the life of your child. Graduation is both the beginning and the end.
Or for us Mom’s, the beginning of the end. Blink and they are all grown up. No longer babies, but self-assured and independent. Graduation is enough to incite fear and anxiety in even the most experienced. (And FYI, those overly confident moms are just as nervous as you are.)
Helicopter’s aside, graduation leads to new beginnings, new schools, new ideas, new friends and many changes. It’s a stepping stone in your child’s development. It gives kids a chance to explore and acquire new interest, follow dreams and goals, and prepare for their future. You’ve taught them to fly, now it’s time to watch them soar.