Your Adoption Profile Book
As part of the adoption matching process, you will be asked to create a personal profile in the form of a Profile Book. This is the tool that is used to provide birthparents your information in a non-identifying way.
The Profile Book is a picture book with snapshots, and important personal information about the adoptive family. You will choose photos that will tell your life story in picture form. It should include pictures of you, your spouse, extended family, favorite activities, travel, home, etc.
BHAS will provide you with guidelines to complete your profile book. We will assist you and provide direction as needed. Once your book is complete, we will proof and approve your profile book before you submit it.
When it comes to your profile book, there is no right or wrong, or magic formula that makes a birth mother choose one family over another. Some birthparents will have something specific in mind that they are looking for, while others will choose based on something that struck an emotional chord. Either way, birth families are looking at your profile and trying to imagine their baby fitting into your life.