Adoptive Parent Profiles

Tim & Stephanie

We are Tim and Stephanie, we live in Maryland with our two sweet dogs, Pete and George. We’ve dreamed of becoming parents together for so long and know adoption is how we want to start our family. Stephanie’s grandmother was adopted, and she too has wanted to adopt for as long as she can remember.

We hope to provide you with the love, support, and respect you need to make your adoption plan as smooth as possible. Should you choose us we are committed to providing your baby with every opportunity to learn, grow, and pursue their dreams, all while honoring and respecting you as the birth mother. As we support your baby’s dreams, we also believe in building a strong sense of identity and understanding for your baby to know where they come from. We wish you all the strength in the world as you make this decision for the future of your child.

Best wishes,

Stephanie and Tim

To Learn More About Us Please Contact Beacon House